As the weather starts to change, so can your skin. The cold breeze creeping in can make your skin become dehydrated, dull and maybe a little sensitive.

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Adapt your routine for Autumn

Stepping up your skin care is a must, richer night cream, weekly hydrating masks and salon treatments can keep that summer glow lasting long into the winter months.

Personally, I love the Coffeeberry Peel teamed with the Omnilux Light Therapy treatment…

Coffeberry is the most potent natural antioxidant available. The peel will help to correct any summer sun damage by breaking down underlying pigmentation. And, if that’s not enough, natural enzymes will nibble away dead and dying skin cells on the surface and intensely treat the deeper layers of the skin with vital hydration, improving your skin’s texture and tone whilst boosting cell turnover.

Team this phenomenal “hug for the skin” peel with the Omnilux to drive the results deeper and keep them lasting longer. This powerful light treatment boosts your skin function by producing extra vitamins and minerals deep below the surface. Your products will work to their maximum efficiency and increased collagen levels will leave you with a beautiful plumped up glow. A another major benefit of Omnilux is that it can treat SAD my emitting vitamin D, so no need to fear those dark winter days.

To find out more or to discuss preparing your skin for the colder months ahead please talk to your therapist or book in for a consultation.


Gemma, Teviot Salon